Texas Fiasco

Somewhat astonishingly, for one of the 50 state educational governing institutions or boards, a cadre of fascist sympathizers on the Texas School Board have taken control of the board, and are trying to put their stamp of indocrination on the schools and text books, apparently before the majority of Texans will likely come to the conclusion that these changes are going overboard. Besides trying to make the corporatist appeaser and antagonist of the poor, Ronald Reagan, into a great paragon, they are also trying to re-write history more to their fascist leanings (even taking Thomas Jefferson out of the history texts in discussions about "The Enlightenment"), breaking down the historical constitutional understanding of the separation of church and state in texts, trying to stamp their decidedly unchristlike version of their religion on Texas schools, and even trying to make the seditionist, pro-slavery politician's, Jefferson Davis', viewpoints seem reasonable. Texas may well be one of the more conservative states in the nation, but even they probably do not care for this eccentric and unorthodox group of non-educators, presumably, on their board.

Post-script: This issue of the textbooks in Texas has become a national issue, partly because the publication of textbooks in one of the largest states would also affect textbooks in other states, possibly including Washington.

[Originally published on "Commoner" blog on 3/14/10; revised on 7/6/10.]

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